Jim T.
"Thank you so much Pastor Rick and Pastor Chris for this lesson. i have been getting a lot out of this 40days in the word and intend to continue these study principles for always. Had one question though, early in Chris' lesson he said that King David was the author of Psalm 119 but my study bible says that the author is unknown but some suggest that it may have been written by Ezra the Priest. Was curious if you might have some further insight on this.Not criticizing, just curious. Thanks and God bless."
alvin gardner
"Each morning I get up listening to 40 days in the word has been very helpful to me. It has given me something to look forward to each day of my life. "
"I'e just started yesterday. Thank you for these message and to give us the encouragement to dig in the Word "
"I am thankful for the structure to daily direct me into the mindset I need to be in. To be more aware of the lives of others, than my little daily concerns. For perspective, for visualizing Colossians 3:12-16, mindful of Phil.1:27. I am shopping as I whisper Colossians 3:16. Looking forward to 38 more days and beyond. "
Jo Bridges
"Praying that this older woman's memory bank will make room for new verses. " let the word of Christ dwell in me richly."amen. Praying that prayer."
Angela Demmans
"I have looked forward to doing this study every day!!! Not only the study but almost every day I looked up the pastors doing the verses each day and listened to and was so blessed by sermons I found of theirs at the church they are presently serving in!!! And God knew, but I didn't, that the final day would line up with very serious tests I am having at the hospital in the morning. I am so thankful for this study. I and to cancel my classes this semester for health reasons (mine and my daughters) and this was just what I needed. Thank you for your ministry and love for the Lord and His word. "
"Dear Pastor . Your teaching is really encouraging. God blessed you with the Gift of wisdom and Gift of Knowledge . With THAT YOU ARE ENLIGHTENING MANY . I AM ONE AMONG THEM . THANK YOU PASTOR RICK WARREN"
Oscar Osabinyi
"Jesus said, 'Don't be afraid, just believe'..."
Njeri Gitau
"Hi am from Kenya and I'm doing the workbook this year. This is exciting!"
Oscar Osabinyi
"Karura Community Chapel family 40ditw starts today. We pray that we may love, learn and live the word..."
Mike quayle
"Greetings brothers and sisters from down under in Australia. G'day to you all! I have just started to do this wonderful course and I am on my 3th day. And between you and me I've been born again over 13 years and I've learned so much in the past three days more than in the past years. I am rejoicing now and I am hoping to be rejoicing even more after day 40. Thank you again. 2 Corinthians 13:14May the grace of The Lord Jesus Christ,And the love of God,And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.Farewell brothers and sistersMike"
"Thanks Pastor Rick. Our Life Group of 6 women have started with 40 days of the word.I have prayed many times to have this opportunity to learn and understand the Word. Finally my prayers have been answered. I have been to Know your Bible but have felt like the dunce in the group. Just with the 1st day I am uplifted and know that my confidence will grow.God Bless"
"Did not know how to do this until I did this Bible Study at Church. This has been such a help to develop understand so much more about the word of God with the questions to ask and the methods that you provide to get more out of it than just reading the verse. chapter, or book. Thank you for the work you but into this to help us to know God better and understand more fully to mature in God and work to be more like him daily."
"Just out of the hospital, joined the 40 day bible study with my church before I got sick. So, today is day one for me. I read the book of Philippians,again, and really studied it. What a wonderful book of instruction. Thank you so much for the structure of this study. God bless us, one and all."
"I am so enjoying hearing from the Body of Christ all over the USA...it is so encouraging to see all these pastors in unity! And to see the body working together. I feel like all the different parts or "joints" are getting oiled and we can move forward more smoothly. Amen!"
"As one who has always considered my self successfull But I read purpose driven life and my life changed. Now as I read 40 days I am encouraged that I am not only learning more but developing a close relationship with Jesus. I hear the Holy Spirit speak to me and I know that during this struggle God is building me, preparing me and working in me like never before. My whole life has turned around and As I follow Jesus I know I am living for his purpose and Not my own. Thank you Rick for using your gifts to help me follow Jesus, build a relationship and provide me tools and stories that help speak to me daily. I look forward to serving Gods purpose as he is preparing me for my next mission in life. Amen! "
"I like how I enjoy reading the background scripture around the Bible Verse! Sometimes, I go on and on. Questions will surface and the study notes help to clarify or will lead me to other references. I may not remember it all but know it is being stored for recall just as I need it."
"Wow! Two poignant illustrations that capture the essence of sanctification -- looking like Jesus, and when the sirens of life signal a crisis , what words will come out of me? May they be God's words. "
"Open my eyes open lord that I may see, open my ears open lord that I may hear and understand your law. "
"Inspiring message."
"Thank you so much for sharing the word so eloquently with us. God has been so good to me, my husband and I heard these words, you have cancer. It hit us the same way, but we grew from the experience in trusting God no matter the outcome. My dear husband is home now with the Lord. I'm at peace with the Lord, as I stay close to him, an continue in the way he has shown me by his Holy Word."
Loretta Goff
"I move toward the mark set for me in Christ and want to do/act/believe those things He want for me!"
"excited about this new journey, learning God's word"
"we just started doing the 40 days of the word in our study group at Spring Valley Church Of God in Reading,PA ..JUST STARTED and soo far it is amazing. Thank you Rick."
"Just started and I am already experiencing something. It's hard to explain but it is little victories that make a huge difference. Thank you for this Bible study. It is still making a difference in 2015. "
"Thanks, Pastor Rick, for this amazing resource. We recently started this journey in our LifeGroup, and I can confess that I'm already encouraged and enriched."
"Thanks, Pastor Rick, for this amazing resource. We recently started this journey in our LifeGroup, and I can confess that I'm already encouraged and enriched."
G Lynne Bennett
"Hi. ECCI in Walthamstow, London are just beginning this course.As a child and teen I had a quiet time everyday and God was close. As an adult I lost it. At 53, it's about time to get hungry again. Please pray for the church. Thank you."
Lucy Okonkwo
"I am from Nigeria and your daily messages have helped me a lot in strengthening my faith in this christian journey. I will like to thank you for this series of 40 days in the word. I have been needing this message for a long time because I read the word and I forget them as soon as am out the door of my house every morning. "
elizabeth sanyu nabakooza
"We are doing this as a Chruch and all i can say for now....its a journey of self discovery in the word of God and a whole new world has been opened to me...thank u"
Thanks Pastor Bill. I really got that word.